Is your work place morale feeling a bit low? Is the atmosphere on-edge with stress levels boiling over and demands flooding in?

This could be an indication that your staff are not adequately balancing their work-life and home-life, and are unable to maintain their own levels of productivity. Give your staff a boost with strategies on how to positively review, ‘switch off’, and relax at the end of each day.

Reminding them of their life priorities, including the provision of strategies to maintain themselves in demanding times, is what our popular Work-Life Balance seminar is based on. End-of-work routines support your staff to resume work the next day refreshed and energised to face the challenges of the day. Get-started routines allow them to assess their tasks and prioritise them in good order so that you don’t need to.

Some comments from attendees of Vision Acquisition’s Work-Life Balance seminars:

“The presentation got the participants attention from the very first even with the tough after lunch session”

“there were positive comments about really enjoying your presentation and I have been privy to some comments from staff taking on board some strategies learnt and sharing them with family members.”

“Just thank you - it was a great session that everyone enjoyed”

We are met with approval when we strive and achieve academically, professionally, sporting, and financially. Yet living life with balance is often understated. Perhaps the value of it is misunderstood? We are all able to achieve goals if we set our minds to it, but achieving our dreams is a long journey. It requires sustainable behaviours and revitalising routines, or we could end up in a disillusioned heap at the final hurdle.

In our Work-Life Balance seminar, Vision Acquisition seeks to educate and inspire you on revisiting priorities, re-aligning perspectives, and bringing joy back into our everyday life.